Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19 2010

For the past week I have been reading the books of the Twilight Series, thanks to a friend. On doing so, I realized what a hopeless romantic I am. Every time there is a confrontation between the protagonists I had chill run through me. I always was ambivalent about the existence of magic. My mind always said.....hell no!!!!!!! while my heart always craved for a magical world. Reading books like Harry Potter and Twilight just instilled a stronger yearning for magic in this world.

Well, the existence of creatures like vampires and werewolves, does also bring the fear associated with them besides the thrill.On a serious note, most things which are accepted scientific facts today, may have easily looked like magic in another time.The best being, the "Earth is flat" ..........this was believed for so long when it was agreed upon that if the earth was not flat then the oceans would have definitely spilled over. Maybe some of the unsolved murders could be attributed to the existence of these so called mythical creatures. All myths must revolve around some truth. I find it hard to believe that people would be so creative in constructing these myths and passing them along.

Today science has reached an age where scientists look into mythological texts to find answers. Science today is more of re-discovering than inventing and discovering. One such branch of science is Noetic science which translates to "ways of knowing". Noetic science explores the "inner cosmos" of the mind and how it relates to the "outer cosmos" of the physical world. According to this, the soul can also be weighed. This could be an interesting theory, but if spoken aloud without proof, its simply a myth.Wonder how long before that is proven.

Hailing the mythical creatures that make my life more interesting, I'm off to dream...........


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